Tis been a sabbatical of sorts. But then, tis been a year of sorts. I am custodian of my father-in-law's apple starts. These are from the dwarf apple tree in his backyard. He's coaching me to grow 2 apple trees using his dwarf tree as a host and graft stems from the apple trees now growing wild in the abandoned farm next to our house. I love the promise of this. And apples seem like such a sturdy fruit. After all, we get wholesomeness and patriotism and education from apples! So, here they are. They looked like 2 dead sticks after their trip from Washington to the outback. Now they're repotted and thriving. These apple starts are stubborn, by the way. It's now cold out there and they have yet to shed their leaves. Sounds rather like my father-in-law. I like that.

No one gets anywhere without some prodding. Thanks to my Woze for prodding me to start this blog project up again. I had to change the name of course. Sputnik was floated out there to see if the universe could be explored. It answered that question with its now famous
sound. And here's to my sweetie who encourages me to be a whole lot stronger than I think I really am or ever can be. I may not get my great american novel done in time, or produce the tiara all desire, or design the collection that Dior will crave. But I can enjoy my sputnik moment here in the outer space of the internet!
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