Judging Appearances, part I

On a related note, I present to you my Walk Ladies. You may see age, wrinkles, gray hair, and some unfashionable roundness. But these ladies are my heroes, and their looks are most deceptive. One is a two-time breast cancer survivor. She has used her skills as an accomplished horsewoman to teach autistic children by teaching them how to care, feed, and ride horses. Another is a mother of three, of whom meth addiction took two, and not for lack of medical or parental intervention. One is a native of the devastated town of Greensburg, Kansas. She has been instrumental in helping that town recover and redesign itself as a green community. One is a former peacecorps worker who made a career afterwards of working with the sick and one of the few nurses who walked the streets of San Francisco looking for those afflicted with what was later recognized as acquired immune deficiency. She helped start the AIDS quilt. Another has logged over 100,000 miles of travel donating her computer skills and materiel to poor countries in hopes they can participate in the democracy of the internet. Three maintain their status as registered nurses, all help run the local food closet which helps barely-funded local and state governments keep the poor and unemployed fed.
And the dogs? They help all of us keep to the Path.